The Wikipedia link is here Classless Inter-domain Routing

And here is the basic information you need to know.

A CIDR identifies a machine connected to a network.

An example CIDR for IPV4 address looks like this .

The numbers 192 , 168 , 100 , 14 are four octets. An octet represents 8 bits. We use four octets, so we are using 32 bits to represent the machine.

A bit can have two possibilities either 0 or 1 . So, an octet can have 256 (2 ** 8) values, starting from 0 and ending with 255, which means 4 octets can represent 4,294,967,296 possibilities (2 ** 32).

But, the number after the / puts a limit on this.

Before, I explain how the limit is applied, I'll have to explain what number 24 means. The number 24 could also have been represented as 4 octets. If we did, it would look like . The number 24 is a compact way of representing these 4 octets. Are you wondering how these are equivalent? The value 255 when represented by a an octet (8 bits) looks like this 11111111 . So would be 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 . I put . in between for readability. As you can see, this big number has 24 leading bits set to 1 . That's the link between the two representations.

This number is telling us that while using the address , don't use the first 24 bits or the first 3 octets. That is, 192.168.100 are off limits. That leaves us with only the last octet, so only 256 possible values :( ! Imagine if this number was 31 , that leaves only 1 bit or two possibilities.

The 3 octets that we do not use, along with a a 0 for the fourth octet represents something called a routing prefix . If you represent this routing prefix in the form , it's called the subnet mask and logically represents the same thing.

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